2、在mount drbd的设备之前,该节点必须已经设置为primary模式,而且如果一边没有umount,另一边是无法mount上的,直接mount会报如下错误:
root@mysql2:/>mount /dev/drbd0 /drbddata
mount: block device /dev/drbd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
也就是说,在同步的过程中,只有一个节点的数据可见,也就是不能通过我们人直接简单的查看数据文件等方式之间验证数据是否正常。不过看文档说好像可以通过手动设置一些信息来查看是否正常(You can manually set this information for a number of reasons, including when you want to check the physical status of the secondary device (since you cannot mount a DRBD device in primary mode), or when you are temporarily moving the responsibility of keeping the data in check to a different machine (for example, during an upgrade or physical move of the normal primary node). )。
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